This function checks the structure of the given data frame and prints the number of rows, number of columns, column names, column data types, and number of missing values.
The data frame to be checked.
df <- data.frame(id = 1:10,
gender = c("male", "female", "male", "male", "male", "male", "male", "male", "female", "female"),
age = c(25, 32, 45, 19, 27, 56, 38, 42, 33, NA),
salary = c(50000, 60000, 75000, 45000, 55000, 90000, NA, 80000, 65000, 70000))
# Check the data structure of the example dataframe
#> Number of rows: 10
#> Number of columns: 4
#> Column names: id, gender, age, salary
#> Column data types: integer, character, numeric, numeric
#> Number of missing values: 2