This function identifies and reports duplicate rows in a given data frame. It first removes any rows with no values in all cells, and then compares each row to subsequent rows to check for duplicates. Duplicate rows are identified by having the same values in all columns. The function returns a message stating whether or not duplicate rows were found, and if so, the row numbers of the duplicate and original rows.




A data frame to check for duplicate rows.


A message stating whether or not duplicate rows were found, and if so, the row numbers of the duplicate and original rows.


# Create example data frame
df <- data.frame(w = c(7, 8, 180, 7), x = c("a", "b", "c", "a"),
                 y = c(4, 5, -6, 4), z = c(7, 8, NA, 7))
# Find duplicate rows
#> Duplicate rows found:
#> Row 4 is a duplicate of row 1